Sunday, May 24, 2009

Your books, my books...let's share our books!

Myth would have it that it's the doctor's child that always gets sick, the mechanic's car that always breaks down, and the shoemaker who always goes barefoot. Well, librarians are no different - we are notorious for our extensive and unwieldy personal collections of books. Overflowing shelves, cabinets, boxes, and even just random piles of books traditionally inhabit our homes! While we love every one of those precious books, and usually know where everything is if asked to find something amongst it all, I'm sure it was an exasperated spouse that has come up with the perfect solution. It plays on a librarian's love of technowizardry while imposing a sense of order on the chaos of our personal book collections - entrez LibraryThing!

With LibraryThing, you create an online catalogue of your precious personal library. And even better, you can use the very cool and simple tagging options to group books by keywords or subjects. So when your kids come asking "do we have any books on Asia because I've got an assignment due tomorrow, Mum" - it's straight to LibraryThing for the answer!

But wait - there's more! You can rate your books and add recommendations, talk with other members on the forums, and (if you are the nosey type) check out what's on your friends' bookshelves ;)

Try it for yourself:

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